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Books By Coach Roz

Beyond Coaching

This book—and Playmaker Clinics—will open you to new possibilities that can change the trajectory of a young person, as well as your own. You will learn about the awesome power of a coach/mentor, and how he or she can impact their community. We hope you will join us in changing kids’ and families’ lives for the better.

Coaching Character and Leadership

This book is about raising kids with character. Character builds leadership. That’s the bigger win. In his own unique way, Coach Roz shares 22 Practical Quotes which he uses to teach today’s youth what it means to be a person of character.

Coaching for a Bigger Win

With Coach Roz, success in life starts on the playing field where kids learn lessons that last a lifetime. The Playmakers summer sports camps change the lives of inner-city kids. Learn Coach Roz’s methods so you, too, can coach for that bigger win at home and in school, as well as on the field.